Line Follower Bot
This is the Line Follower Arduino Bot Code Using IR Sensors REMEMBER : This code only detects black line with 96% Accuracy and can with achived completly upon the tuning of the IR Sensors based on the bot capability. **-------------the code starts here --------------** #define IR_SENSOR_RIGHT 11 #define IR_SENSOR_LEFT 12 #define MOTOR_SPEED 180 //Right motor int enableRightMotor=6; int rightMotorPin1=7; int rightMotorPin2=8; //Left motor int enableLeftMotor=5; int leftMotorPin1=9; int leftMotorPin2=10; void setup() { TCCR0B = TCCR0B & B11111000 | B00000010 ; // put your setup code here, to run once: pinMode(enableRightMotor, OUTPUT); pinMode(rightMotorPin1, OUTPUT); pinMode(rightMotorPin2, OUTPUT); pinMode(enableLeftMotor, OUTPUT); pinMode(leftMotorPin1, OUTPUT); pinMode(leftMotorPin2, OUTPUT); pinMode(IR_SENSOR_RIGHT, INPUT); pinMode(IR_SENSOR_LEFT, INPUT); rotateMotor(0,0);...