Obstacle Avoiding Bot ( Maze Solver )

 This is the Obstacle Avoiding /  Maze Solver Bot Code & Circuit Diagrams 

Main Components Required 

1 . Arduino UNO / UNO R3 - 01

2 . L298 Motor Driver - 01

3 . N20 300rpm Motor - 04

4 . Caster wheel - 04

5 . Ultrasonic Senser - 03

6 . Some Jumper Wires

7 . 12V Battery

**---------------code starts here---------------**

// Pin definitions for motors and ultrasonic sensors

const int leftMotorPin = 2;

const int rightMotorPin = 4;

const int frontUltrasonicTrigPin = 11;

const int frontUltrasonicEchoPin = 12;

const int leftUltrasonicTrigPin = 9; 

const int leftUltrasonicEchoPin = 10;

const int rightUltrasonicTrigPin = 7;

const int rightUltrasonicEchoPin = 8;

const int motorPinA = 3;

const int motorPinB = 5;

// Maximum distance to consider an obstacle (in centimeters)

const int obstacleDistance = 15;

void setup() {

  // Initialize motor pins as outputs

  pinMode(leftMotorPin, OUTPUT);

  pinMode(rightMotorPin, OUTPUT);

  pinMode(motorPinA, OUTPUT);

  pinMode(motorPinB, OUTPUT);

  // Initialize ultrasonic sensor trigger pins as outputs and echo pins as inputs

  pinMode(frontUltrasonicTrigPin, OUTPUT);

  pinMode(frontUltrasonicEchoPin, INPUT);

  pinMode(leftUltrasonicTrigPin, OUTPUT);

  pinMode(leftUltrasonicEchoPin, INPUT);

  pinMode(rightUltrasonicTrigPin, OUTPUT);

  pinMode(rightUltrasonicEchoPin, INPUT);

  // Start with motors off

  digitalWrite(leftMotorPin, LOW);

  digitalWrite(rightMotorPin, LOW);

  digitalWrite(motorPinA, LOW);

  digitalWrite(motorPinB, LOW);

  // Initialize Serial communication for debugging



void loop() {

  // Measure distances from ultrasonic sensors

  int frontDistance = measureDistance(frontUltrasonicTrigPin, frontUltrasonicEchoPin);

  int leftDistance = measureDistance(leftUltrasonicTrigPin, leftUltrasonicEchoPin);

  int rightDistance = measureDistance(rightUltrasonicTrigPin, rightUltrasonicEchoPin);

  // Print distances for debugging

  Serial.print("Front: ");


  Serial.print(" cm, Left: ");


  Serial.print(" cm, Right: ");


  // Set default motor speeds

  int motorSpeedA = 30;  // adjust to 200

  int motorSpeedB = 30;  // adjust to 200

  int motorSpeedLA = 35;  // adjust to 205

  int motorSpeedRB = 35;  // adjust to 205

  // Adjust motor speeds based on distances

  if (frontDistance <= 25) {


    if (rightDistance < leftDistance) {

      // Obstacle detected on the left, turn right

      digitalWrite(leftMotorPin, LOW);

      digitalWrite(rightMotorPin, HIGH);

      analogWrite(motorPinA, motorSpeedLA);

      analogWrite(motorPinB, motorSpeedRB);

    } else if (leftDistance < rightDistance) {

      // Obstacle detected on the right, turn left

      digitalWrite(leftMotorPin, HIGH);

      digitalWrite(rightMotorPin, LOW);

      analogWrite(motorPinA, motorSpeedLA);

      analogWrite(motorPinB, motorSpeedRB);

    } else {

      // No obstacle detected, move forward

      digitalWrite(leftMotorPin, HIGH);

      digitalWrite(rightMotorPin, HIGH);

      analogWrite(motorPinA, motorSpeedA);

      analogWrite(motorPinB, motorSpeedB);


  } else if (leftDistance <= obstacleDistance && frontDistance >= 40) {

    // Obstacle detected in front, avoid it

    digitalWrite(leftMotorPin, HIGH);

    digitalWrite(rightMotorPin, LOW);

    analogWrite(motorPinA, motorSpeedLA);

    analogWrite(motorPinB, motorSpeedRB);

  } else if (rightDistance <= obstacleDistance && frontDistance >= 40) {

    // Obstacle detected on the left, turn right

    digitalWrite(leftMotorPin, LOW);

    digitalWrite(rightMotorPin, HIGH);

    analogWrite(motorPinA, motorSpeedLA);

    analogWrite(motorPinB, motorSpeedRB);

  } else {

    // No obstacle detected, move forward

    digitalWrite(leftMotorPin, HIGH);

    digitalWrite(rightMotorPin, HIGH);

    analogWrite(motorPinA, motorSpeedA);

    analogWrite(motorPinB, motorSpeedB);



// Function to measure distance using ultrasonic sensor

int measureDistance(int trigPin, int echoPin) {

  digitalWrite(trigPin, LOW);


  digitalWrite(trigPin, HIGH);


  digitalWrite(trigPin, LOW);

  unsigned long duration = pulseIn(echoPin, HIGH);

  int distance = duration * 0.034 / 2;  // Calculate distance in centimeters

  return distance;


**---------------code ends here---------------**